Thursday, April 12, 2012


As much as we all dread working out, its necessary to lead  a long and healthy life. So what about kids, should they work out? Well, you should always encourage active playing and limit television. Some idea's that are great for getting your kids active is:

  • Do a work out video and invite your child to join you
  • Play tag with your kids
  • Go to the park
I am sure some of these things are basic, but many kids these days are glued to the t.v., so they need to be encouraged to play or get some kind of exercise, and you are the best example for them!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I'm sure you are familiar with the book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, well remember Sam and how he would never try the green eggs and ham and when he did he loved it? That was me as a child. I hated eggs, that is, before I tried them. I'm sure my mom fed me eggs when I was little but from ages 6 to 7 I hated them. With a passion. 
One day my sister made me "egg in a frame". The only reason I tried it was because she liked it. Once I put that bite of egg in my  mouth, there was no turning back. I loved eggs. Any way you cooked them: fried, scrambled, poached, boiled, and any other way imaginable. But why all of a sudden did my opinion of eggs change? Well, I guess its the magical creation of a whole in bread with a fried egg in the middle.
So, here's how to do it:

What you'll need:

1 egg
1 piece of whole grain bread (it's healthier than white)
butter (I use spray butter because it has less calories)
1 small cup or cookie cutter

Cut a whole in the center bread with the cup or cutter, then butter both sides of the pieces of bread. Heat your frying pan to medium heat and place both pieces of bread in the pan and crack egg in the center of the bread and cook for about 2 min, then flip and do the same. Remove both pieces of bread and serve!

Hope you guys enjoy!

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana?

Staying hydrated is a goal for all people. When you are hydrated you have more energy, your body absorbs carbs, vitamins,and minerals, makes your skin stronger to help prevent infections, and many other benefits . 
For your kids hydration is key for good health. The problem is that kids don't always drink when they are thirsty and many kids tend to lean towards soft drinks or juice to get hydrated. Soft drinks contain calories and little to no nutritional value. A study has shown that kids who drink carbonated drinks tend to have lower intakes of protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, but higher in fat. 
So, to keep your kids in better health constantly give them water and if you give them juices that have been cut 50/50 with water. 

Also be sure to always give your children milk. Since they are growing so much they need extra calcium. A snack that is healthy and has plenty of calcium is yogurt with fruit! 
If you freeze grapes and then dip them in yogurt its a great treat. You can also use strawberries, apples, bananas, or whatever kind of fruit they like. 

Another great snack is a home made smoothie. 

What you'll need:
1 cup of frozen fruit (i like to use a tropical blend)
1 cup of sugar free apple juice

Blend the ingredients together and serve! 

Choosing healthy drinks is hard to do, especially if you have a picky child, but keeping hydrated is very important for their overall health, so always keep a water bottle near by and drink something even if you aren't thirsty. 

Monday, April 9, 2012


Hi! Welcome to my blog! I am a nutrition major at Southern Utah University and i am here trying to give you ideas for a healthy lifestyle for your kid/kids. I plan on posting multiple recipes and different exercise ideas. 

Today, the recipe is one that is probably more than familiar to most of you: 
Ants on a Log
All you need is: 
Peanut Butter 
You can also use almond butter or for those special treats Nutella!  And if raisins aren't their favorite try Craisins or cut up bananas! 

This recipe is perfect for your little one! It is not only healthy, but it is something that your child can make on their own! (well with your supervision) When kids make something, even if it may not seem like the most tasty thing, they will eat it because they made it! So always invovle your kids when cooking they will love it and you can help them make healthy changes on their own! 

I hope that this was helpful! I will be posting more recipes very soon!!